Yield Booster

The yield booster plugin essentially allows you to allocate xGRAIL to staked positions to increase their existing APR% yield earned from farming emissions.

As more xGRAIL is allocated to a pair, the boost will be lower for the amount for each user allocated; the process works both ways

Yield booster increases only the farming incentives existing APR The boost doesn't affect rewards earned from: -LP trading fees -Nitro/genesis pools -lEXC pool

Yield Booster: how it works

A video tutorial regarding yield booster is available below, along with descriptions of each element

  1. The user's staked position is currently earning 50% APR from farming incentives with yield-bearing properties

  2. The user allocated 1 xGRAIL through yield booster to the staked position, which boosted the position's bonus multiplier to 1.5

  3. As a result, the user's position is now earning 75% APR from farming emissions

  4. Knights allocated xGRAIL to the same pair, reducing the user's position bonus multiplier to 1.25

  5. Now the staked position is earning 62.5% APR from farming emissions

  6. Knights de-allocated xGRAIL from the pair, increasing the squire position bonus multiplier to 1.5 again

  7. The staked position is now earning 75% APR from farming emissions once again

Instructional video

xGRAIL allocation and deallocation

Page description

Settings description

Last updated

Change request #142: Nitro pool guides