
Our code is written by professionals with a wealth of experience creating smart contracts. With Camelot, you can keep safe and optimize your investment by utilizing a range of features and safety mechanisms developed by industry veterans with extensive experience. We believe that one of the best auditing firms in the business audited the full range of features of the platform. All of our code has been audited by the leading smart contract security firm Paladin, to ensure it meets the highest level of security. Paladin offers the most comprehensive and sophisticated auditing services in the smart contract industry.

Detailed information about the audit can be found here

Additionally, Camelot implemented 'multisig to provide users with extra security reassurance. Multisig stands for multi-signature, which is a type of digital signature created by combining multiple unique signatures. Funds stored on a multi-signature address can only be accessed by providing two or more signatures simultaneously. The use of multisig wallets provides an additional layer of security, and by utilizing this technology, users can avoid the problems often associated with single-key wallets.

The following page provides an overview of multisig addresses

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