Create a Nitro

Anyone can set up their own Nitro Pool for the purpose of incentivizing liquidity. The permissionless creation of nitro pools is designed for aspiring projects wishing to access the tools that will enhance their liquidity incentives.

For example, a protocol that wishes to provide rewards to its liquidity on Camelot may set up a Nitro pool only for users that locked their deposits for 3 months or deposited X amount. However, the duration of the lock and other requirements are not mandatory and are totally up to the deployer

For more information about creating a Nitro pool, click here.

For more technical specifications about creating a Nitro pool, click here

Instructional video

Page description

A section for Creating a nitro pool and accessing My nitro pools is located at the bottom of the app page under Ecosystem.

Last updated

Change request #142: Nitro pool guides