V3: How does it work?

If you would like to learn how to use V3, please refer to the following guide

V3 'Concentrated liquidity allows liquidity providers on Camelot to set custom price ranges for their tokens instead of evenly distributing them across the entire price range. This means that liquidity providers can concentrate their capital on specific price ranges where they believe there will be more trading activity, while still providing liquidity across a broader range of prices rather than the entire price range

Concentrated liquidity allows providing liquidity for specific prices you like, instead of sharing all your liquidity across the whole range. It's like only sharing your favourite toys, instead of sharing all of your toys, with your friends

For example, for volatile pair, an LP could provide liquidity for a price range of $1.10 - $1.30. This means that liquidity would only be used within that price range, allowing for more targeted liquidity provision In a stable pair, a liquidity provider may opt to allocate their capital only to the range of $0.995-$1.005. This can result in deeper liquidity for traders around the mid-price, and the LP can earn more trading fees using their capital

For traders and liquidity providers, what improvements does v3 bring?

Through V2, liquidity providers deposit equal amounts of two assets (50:50) in a liquidity pool, which is then used to facilitate trades between those assets. This can lead to idle capital, as the liquidity provider's funds may not always be utilized fully. Additionally, the fixed ratios of the deposited assets can limit trading flexibility and result in higher fees for traders

V3 benefits liquidity providers and traders by allowing for more efficient trading and reducing slippage costs. Traders can now swap tokens at prices closer to market rates, while liquidity providers can earn higher fees for providing liquidity at the specific price points where there is higher demand

What are the main differences between V2 and V3?

The main differences between V2 and V3 are the introduction of concentrated liquidity, directional & dynamic volatility fees, limit orders, rebasing tokens, custom tick spacing and improved capital efficiency in v3 as well as significant UI updates. These new features allow LPs to customise their exposure and potentially earn higher returns from trading fees compared to the previous version

  • V3 allows liquidity providers to concentrate their liquidity at specific price points, leading to more efficient use of capital and higher capital efficiency

  • V3 concentrated liquidity model allows for more precise pricing and lower slippage for traders, especially in volatile markets

  • V3 liquidity range orders can help traders execute trades more efficiently, as they can specify the price range they want to trade in ranges and adjust positions as market conditions change

  • V3 offers more granular control over liquidity positions, with the ability to create custom tick

  • V3 has lower gas costs and is more gas-efficient than V2

How should price ranges be selected?

  • Consider how much prices are likely to move during the lifetime of your position

  • Be willing to actively manage the position as the market changes

  • Take into account the economics of the transactions required to manage the position

  • If prices move outside your specified range, your position will be concentrated in one asset and you won't earn trading fees until prices return to the range

  • Providing liquidity across the full range is an option, but it will result in a lower rate of return than a narrower range

Range presets

  1. Full range - Liquidity is provided across the entire price range of the asset being traded. This can be useful for assets that have a wide trading range or are subject to high volatility

  2. Wide range - Liquidity is concentrated in a wider price rangr. This can be useful for assets with moderate volatility, as it provides sufficient liquidity across a range of prices

  3. Common range - Liquidity is concentrated in both the buy and sell ranges around the current market price

  4. Narrow range Liquidity is concentrated in a specific price range, usually close to the current market price. This can be useful for assets that have relatively stable prices, as it reduces the amount of capital required to provide liquidity while still maintaining efficient trading

Is my position liquidated if the price exceeds my price range?

If the price of a trading pair goes beyond the range that you set for your LP, then your position will only consist of the less valuable asset in that pair

For instance, if your price range for ETH/USDC is 555-1555, and ETH drops to 550, then your balance will only be in ETH. On the other hand, if ETH increases to 1560, then your balance will only be in USDC

When the price remains outside of your specified range, your position will be in an 'out of range mode, which means that you will not earn any fees until the price returns to your set range

How APR for trading fees is calculated?

To calculate the APR for trading fees, we collect the total active TVL and fees made approximately every 10 minutes. We then determine the average active TVL for the past 7 days (or since the pool went live if it has been live for less than 7 days) -Using the fees earned during this period, we calculate the APR

Can I create a custom token pair in v3?

Yes, you can create a custom token pair by providing liquidity to a new combination of tokens that do not have an V3 existing pool. To do so, you will need to select the tokens, set a price range, and deposit the required amounts of both tokens. Once the pool is created, others can also provide liquidity to that token pair

How do I monitor and unbind my concentrated liquidity V3 positions?

You can monitor your concentrated liquidity V3 positions by navigating to the: "Earn->Positions->LPV3" -There, you can view your active positions, harvest the accrued fees, and the current status of your provided liquidity

Can I withdraw my concentrated liquidity at any time?

Yes, you can withdraw your position at any time. To do this, go to the ''Earn->Positions->LP V3'' page, select position and look for ''Unbind'' button

How are fees earned and distributed in concentrated liquidity pools?

Fees are earned from swap transactions that occur within the specified price range set by the liquidity providers. These fees are automatically distributed proportionally to the liquidity providers based on the amount of liquidity they have contributed and the time they have been in the pool. Pending rewards are harvestable on the V3 position managment panel

Impermanent loss

Last updated

Change request #142: Nitro pool guides