Stake into a Nitro

A Nitro pool can work as an additional reward pool on top of staked positions (spNFTs). If the pair used to create the Nitro pool is incentivized, it will allow the user to earn yield from farm incentives and that particular Nitro pool simultaneously

  • A - When a user creates a staked position in the ETH/USDC pair, which has an active farm, the position will automatically earn yield. If the user deposits this staked position into a Nitro pool, they can earn LP trading fees, rewards from the Nitro pool, and yield from the farm incentives

  • B - When a user creates a staked position in XYZ/USDC, which has no active farm, the position will not earn yield, apart from trading fees which will auto-compound in the LP. If the user deposits the staked position into a nitro pool, the position will earn LP trading fees and rewards from the Nitro pool

Instructional video

Pages description

Nitro pools list

Nitro pools details

Staked, compatible, incompatible positions

Un-stake from Nitro Pool

Last updated

Change request #142: Nitro pool guides