Staking (positions)

The Earn tab is divided into four categories, each with a specific purpose.

  • My positions - Here, you can find and manage your staked positions

  • Yield farms - This section shows which pairs are currently incentivized and also lets you manage paired positions

  • Nitro Pools - Deposit your staked positions into a compatible Nitro pool and earn additional rewards

  • Genesis Pools - Camelot liquidity was bootstrapped through Genesis pools. From the 23rd of November, participants will accrue 6 months of additional xGRAIL emissions (Deposits closed definitely on the 2nd of December)

On either ''My positions or Yield farms'' tabs, it is possible to wrap LP or a single asset into a staked position

-Creating a staked position automatically earns LP swap fees and farm incentives, which can be boosted with locks and xGRAIL’s yield booster -The staked position can be deposited into the Nitro pool to earn additional rewards As a result, your position can earn swap fees + farming emissions (which can be boosted) + Nitro rewards

Only the existing APR% from farms incentives is increased by the boosts Time lock and yield booster do not affect rewards from Nitro/Genesis or lEXC pools

Example A

  1. The user created GRAIL/USDC position

  2. Since GRAIL/USDC pair is incentivized, the newly created staked position naturally has yield-bearing properties; therefore, the position will now automatically earn the yield from farm incentives

  3. The user now earns rewards from the active yield farm. Moreover, the user's LP token also automatically receives a share of the earned fees from each GRAIL/ETH transaction

Example B

  1. Under the yield farms, tab user couldn't locate XYZ/USDC active farm

  2. The user created XYZ/USDC position

  3. Since XYZ/USDC pair is not incentivized, the newly created staked position is currently not earning yield from farming incentive

  4. The user located the corresponding XYZ/USDC nitro pool and deposited the position into it

  5. The user now earns rewards from the nitro pool. Moreover, the user's LP token also automatically receives a share of the earned fees coming from each XYZ/USDC transaction fee

Example of maximizing spNFT farming

  1. Under the yield farms tab user located ETH/USDC active farm

  2. The user created ETH/USDC position

  3. Since ETH/USDC pair is incentivized by Camelot, the newly created staked position naturally has yield-bearing properties therefore, the position will now automatically earn yield from farms incentives

  4. The user used a yield booster to increase the staked position's existing APR% earned from farms incentives

  5. The user locked his staked position for an additional boost to existing APR% earned from farms incentives

  6. The user then decided to deposit his position in an ETH/USDC nitro pool

  7. As a liquidity provider, the user's LP token automatically receives a share of the earned fee from each ETH/USDC transaction. Moreover, the user's staked position earns him boosted yield from farming incentives, and the exact position also earns him rewards from the Nitro Pool

Click here for more detailed information about staked positions (spNFTs)

Pools (incentivized pairs)Manual creationManage your positions

Last updated

Change request #142: Nitro pool guides