Add Liquidity

By adding liquidity to the pool, you will receive LP tokens.

Adding liquidity to the pool will only earn you trading fees. If you would like to earn farming emissions as well, you must create a position which can be created without first adding LP.

The process of creating a staked position (spNFT) can be found here.

For example, ETH/USDC LP tokens will be generated if liquidity is added to ETH/USDC. Your share of the ETH/USDC liquidity pool is represented by the LP tokens you receive. While you are providing liquidity to ETH/USDC pair, your LP token will automatically earn a portion of every transaction fee on that pair. Moreover, you can wrap that LP token into staked position (spNFT) to access more utilities and, most notably, to earn additional rewards on top of the fee rewards

  • Liquidity providers will receive a slice of each transaction fee

  • By wrapping the LP token into staked position, you can create a staked position that will generate additional yields from incentive pair and nitro pool

  • Simply select 'Position' on the liquidity tab to bundle assets without having to turn them into LPs first

Instructional video

For the V3 guide please refer to the following page

Step-by-step guide

Page description

Last updated

Change request #142: Nitro pool guides