
Dividends distribute protocol earnings, to users in 7-days cycles who have allocated their xGRAIL tokens to this plugin. The accumulated tokens are obtained from transaction fees paid by other users. The distribution is based on a weekly epoch logic: every week, a fixed part of the owner-defined accumulated tokens is marked as to be distributed.

For example, a user allocates 100 xGRAIL tokens to dividends. Every week, a new epoch starts, and rewards are reloaded. During each epoch, the user receives a portion of the protocol earnings, which is distributed to dividend stakeholders continuously. If the user chooses to remove their xGRAIL tokens from dividends, a 0.5% deallocation fee is charged, resulting in 99.5 xGRAIL tokens for the user, along with any rewards earned through allocation duration

A 0.5% fee is applied each time you wish to deallocate your xGRAIL from dividends

Pending rewards from dividends can be harvested at any time

Instructional video

Allocation, rewards claim and deallocation

Page description

Last updated

Change request #142: Nitro pool guides