What are Nitro pools?

Nitro Pools are fixed-duration pools that act as an additional layer of yield rewards for Camelot’s staked positions. They have been designed so that anyone can freely deploy them, directly from our front end

What is the purpose of nitro pools?

A nitro pool is an incentive for more people to add and/or lock their liquidity

How to use Nitro pools?

The process is fairly simple from a user’s perspective: you stake a staked position into a Nitro Pool and get rewards depending on the share of the total deposits. Users can deposit as many staked positions as they wish to as long as they meet the requirements

How does this + button next to 'incentives' work?

Using this feature, pool deployers and Camelot partners can deposit additional incentives in a permissionless manner Please be aware that it's not possible to retrieve back-deposited incentives!

Can I deposit positions into the nitro pool with an active xGRAIL boost?

Yes, you can deposit a position with an active yield boost; the boost will affect the yields earned from the active farm but not from nitro pools

Do staked positions in the Nitro pool receive rewards from the active farm and Nitro pool?

The position will receive nitro pool rewards as well as yield rewards from the active farm if the position has yield-bearing properties

Will my rewards be locked if the nitro pool requires a lock?

You can harvest rewards from the nitro pool whenever you want

How do I whitelist a wallet address for a Nitro pool?

It will be up to the Nitro pool's deployer to decide if whitelisting will be required. The deployer will have to manually add your wallet address to the whitelist to allow you to participate in the nitro pool

After I staked my position in the nitro pool, why can't I change management settings?

Some position management functions are not available if your position is deposited in a nitro pool

Is 'permissionless' regarding Nitro Pools mean there won't be a community vote on whether the pool will be deployed?

Permissionless means anyone can create it, which is why there are "official" and "community" Nitro pools tabs -Regardless of whether we directly incentivize a pool, users are still allowed to create nitro pools

When I try depositing a position into the Nitro Pool, it says the position is incompatible. Why is that?

To be able to deposit your position into the nitro pool, your position has to fulfill the following requirements:

  • Lock Duration

  • A minimum end lock

  • Minimal deposit amount

  • In some cases, your address has to be whitelisted if the deployer of the pool chooses this option

A customized external requirement may also be required in some cases

Last updated

Change request #142: Nitro pool guides