Nitro in a nutshell

Nitro Pools serve as a supplementary layer within a farm, enabling the staking of spNFT positions. This provides participants with an additional tier of yield rewards, supplementing their existing earnings, inclusive of trading fees and farming emissions in x/GRAIL where relevant.

To identify the availability of a Nitro pool for the pair associated with your spNFT position, simply locate the blue flame icon positioned next to the pool pair

How to

Stake spNFT into a Nitro

UI element descriptions

Examples of the spNFT and Nitro mechanics

  • A - Let's say you create an spNFT using the ETH/USDC pair, which is incentivized by Camelot with emissions. This position will automatically start generating farming emissions returns. If you deposit this staked position into a Nitro pool, you will earn three types of yield: trading fees from liquidity provision, rewards from the Nitro pool, and farm incentives -> (x/GRAIL)

  • B - If you create an spNFT using the XYZ/USDC pair, which is not incentivized by Camelot with emissions, your earnings will be limited to trading fees that are automatically reinvested into the liquidity pool. However, if you deposit this staked position into a Nitro pool, you will earn trading fees from liquidity provision and rewards from the Nitro pool -> (Can be any token)

Last updated