Nitro deployment (Arbitrum)

This is a step-by-step guide for protocols interested in distributing incentives through Nitro pools - for more advanced utilization of Nitro pools, refer to this page

If you wish to provide liquidity to V3 and establish a Nitro Pool to incentivize LP, you need to get in touch with one of our strategy providers to set up a pool

Once the ALM pool is set up, you can proceed with the steps for Nitro pool creation outlined below

We’ll assume in this guide that TokenX-USDC is the main liquidity of your protocol, and TokenY is the rewards token that you want to distribute to your users

1. Create your Nitro pool

  • Select TokenX and USDC tokens and click on Create Nitro (If the spNFT for your asset has not been created yet, you will need to initialize the spNFT contract first)

  • Select TokenY as the incentive token #1

  • Select the start time (set it at least to a couple of hours from the current time)

  • Select the end time (you can set it +1 month from the start, it can be set to a later date at any time)

  • Unless you have a specific need for it, you can let the harvest start time and deposit end time settings empty

  • If you don’t want to set any specific requirement, leave the rest empty (or optionally set a description if you want to)

  • Click on ''Create'' to deploy your Nitro

Your Nitro pool is now created, but users can’t see it yet!

2. Publish your Nitro pool

  • Go to and identify your newly created Nitro

  • Confirm all the settings are fine, and update the ones you need

  • Click on Incentives > Add, then add the amount of TokenY incentives you want to distribute during the epoch

  • Once your rewards have been added, you can click on Settings > Publish

Every user is now able to see and deposit into your Nitro pool on the frontend, only if TokenX is whitelisted or has been imported to the exchange frontend

3. Extend and refill your Nitro pool

You have the possibility to extend and refill your Nitro pool before its end rather than creating a new one. It allows you to keep on rewarding your users without them having to migrate to a new Nitro.

You will need to proceed BEFORE its current end time, as once reached, it won’t be possible to re-open it anymore.

  • Go to and identify your Nitro

  • Click on Settings > Schedule and set the new end date

  • Click on Incentives > Add, then add the amount of TokenY incentives you want to distribute during the new epoch

You’re done!

4. Share the staking process with your users

To Deposit:

  • Go to<tokenX_address>&token2=<USDC_address>&type=v2&position=spnft

  • Select the desired quantity and add liquidity

  • Go to the<your_nitro_address> page, you should now have at least one compatible position on the bottom

  • Click on deposit

Instructional video

Create your Nitro pool

Last updated